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Wie mache ich mein Motorrad nach dem Winter startklar?

Der Frühling steht vor der Tür, und es ist Zeit, das Motorrad aus dem Winterschlaf zu holen. Bevor Sie jedoch losfahren, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihr Motorrad in einem einwandfreien Zustand ist. Hier sind die wichtigsten Schritte, um Ihre Maschine nach der Winterpause wieder startklar zu machen.

1. Gründliche Reinigung

Beginnen Sie mit einer gründlichen Reinigung des Motorrads, um Staub, Schmutz und eventuelle Korrosion zu entfernen. Verwenden Sie ein spezielles Motorrad-Reinigungsmittel und achten Sie darauf, empfindliche Teile wie die Elektronik und Bremsscheiben nicht mit Wasser zu überfluten.

2. Batterie überprüfen

Wenn Sie die Batterie über den Winter ausgebaut und aufgeladen haben, bauen Sie sie wieder ein. Kontrollieren Sie die Spannung (idealerweise über 12,6 Volt) und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Pole sauber und gut verbunden sind. Falls die Batterie tiefentladen ist, kann ein Ersatz nötig sein.

3. Reifen checken

Die Reifen sind essenziell für Ihre Sicherheit. Überprüfen Sie den Luftdruck, das Profil (mindestens 1,6 mm) und die Seitenwände auf Risse oder Beschädigungen. Passen Sie den Luftdruck an die Vorgaben des Herstellers an.

4. Flüssigkeiten kontrollieren

Prüfen Sie alle Flüssigkeitsstände:

  • Motoröl: Wechseln Sie es, wenn es im Herbst nicht gemacht wurde. Kontrollieren Sie den Ölstand und die Farbe.
  • Kühlmittel: Achten Sie auf den Stand und die Frostschutzwirkung.
  • Bremsflüssigkeit: Sollte klar und nicht älter als zwei Jahre sein.

5. Kette schmieren und spannen

Eine gut gepflegte Kette verlängert die Lebensdauer und sorgt für einen reibungslosen Betrieb. Reinigen Sie die Kette und schmieren Sie sie mit einem Kettenspray. Überprüfen Sie auch die Spannung und justieren Sie sie bei Bedarf.

6. Bremsen prüfen

Kontrollieren Sie die Bremsbeläge auf Verschleiß und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Bremsen einwandfrei funktionieren. Testen Sie die Bremswirkung bei einer langsamen Probefahrt.

7. Elektronik und Beleuchtung testen

Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Lichter, Blinker und die Hupe einwandfrei funktionieren. Überprüfen Sie auch, ob die Armaturen alle Informationen korrekt anzeigen.

8. Kraftstoff prüfen

Befindet sich noch alter Kraftstoff im Tank? Dann könnten sich Ablagerungen gebildet haben. Tankreinigungszusätze können helfen, oder Sie wechseln den Kraftstoff komplett.

9. Kontrollieren Sie alle Schrauben und Befestigungen

Nach einer längeren Standzeit könnten Schrauben gelockert sein. Gehen Sie alle wichtigen Befestigungspunkte durch und ziehen Sie lose Schrauben vorsichtig nach.

10. Probefahrt machen

Bevor Sie längere Touren planen, machen Sie eine kurze Probefahrt, um sicherzustellen, dass alles funktioniert. Hören Sie dabei auf ungewöhnliche Geräusche und achten Sie auf das Fahrverhalten.


Ein Motorrad, das aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht, benötigt Aufmerksamkeit, bevor es wieder auf die Straße darf. Mit einer gründlichen Überprüfung und ein wenig Pflege sorgen Sie nicht nur für Ihre Sicherheit, sondern verlängern auch die Lebensdauer Ihrer Maschine. Jetzt steht dem Start in die Motorradsaison nichts mehr im Weg – gute Fahrt! 🚴‍♂️


BMW K1 K 1 tubular handlebar adapter handlebar adapter adjustable with ABE
BMW Models - Closer - Higher - FurtherThe first adjustable handlebar adapter for BMW K1WE SET STANDARDS With the adjustable handlebar adapter, we have succeeded in manufacturing an adjustable adapter that fits nearly all series-produced motorcycles with tubular handlebars from 1910 to today and in the future – just like your BMW K1.Tubular handlebars have existed since the inception of series motorcycles. However, different arm lengths do too. There are some "lucky" ones among us who simply sit on the motorcycle and say: "This fits!". Many, however, wish for the handlebars to be a little closer or perhaps a bit higher.Every motorcyclist knows the tension in the body and neck area that arises from tense arm positions during longer rides. This well-known issue among racers is often resolved through surgical intervention. However, one must refrain from riding for 2-3 months afterward.No one needs to fool themselves: "I only have this today!". You will experience these issues on every ride. As long as you sit tense on the motorcycle, you will not achieve comfort while riding.We have now solved this problem for motorcycles with tubular handlebars.With the new development, no wish for adjustability remains unfulfilled. A full 70 mm closer - higher or further adjustment range is now available.This allows you to achieve a natural ergonomics for a healthier sitting position.With adjustment times of only about 2 minutes, the handlebars can be quickly adapted to the respective tour. A high handlebar position for highway riding followed by sporty cornering in the mountains is now no longer an obstacle.The adapters are equipped with a strong milled knurling on the holding pin. This has achieved an extreme anti-twist protection, which is especially necessary during strong braking maneuvers.The unsightly appearance of the M8 screws in the clamping blocks has been designed so that they are invisibly installed downwards.On the handlebar adapter with 22 mm, you can attach a ball for securing your navigation device.(see photo).For the BMW K1, the impact plate needs to be slightly adjusted.Please keep in mind that we cannot check all models. However, you can check on your motorcycle whether the brake and clutch hoses are long enough. We would appreciate it if you could share your experience with us. Always ensure that the lines are not strained or pinched. All items have been mounted and tested on original motorcycles - without any modifications.

BMW F800ST F 800 ST Pipe handlebar adapter Handlebar adapter Handlebar increase with ABE
The new design handlebar adapter - Extension 50 mmincluding ABEThe new handlebar adapter for all 22 mm handlebars improves your seating position by an optimal 50 mm. The handlebar comes 50 mm closer to the rider and about 25 mm higher.This allows you to achieve a natural ergonomics for a healthier sitting position.You will clearly feel this advantage. No more tense, outstretched arms. You simply sit comfortably on your motorcycle and no longer so hunched over the tank, which is a significant advantage for men. The tingling and numbness in your hands are now a thing of the past.The base adapter is secured with M8 screws and has an elongated hole with a center distance of 31 mm - 39 mm.For all motorcycles with 22 mm handlebars, whose riders want to bring the handlebars even closer, we have our 70 mm variant in the program.The conversion is quick and easy to implement: Remove the existing handlebar clamps - (Please ensure that the containers for brake and clutch fluid do not tip over too much!) - and insert the lower part of the adapter. Now just place the handlebar in the new mounts and secure it with the included handlebar clamps. All necessary screws are included in the conversion.In general, it is sufficient to route the cables and lines behind the fork bridge. If necessary, some models may require longer lines to be swapped. Just contact us.For the model BMW F800ST, a longer brake line is required, which is included in the conversion kit. All items have been mounted and tested on original motorcycles - without aftermarket modifications.

BMW K1 K 1 Passenger Footrest Lowering Adjustable 60 mm Lower ABE
Footpeg Lowering Kit Adjustable for BMW K1 - 60 mmincluding ABE With the new footpeg adapter for your BMW, no wish remains unfulfilled. As diverse as its adjustment options are, so are its applications. The adapter in its basic form fits 98% of all motorcycle models. The optimal leg angle is 90°. A bent leg angle also compresses the blood vessels, thus not supplying the leg with enough oxygen. This leads to the dreaded varicose veins.With the adapter, you achieve a lowering of the peg by 60 mm. Generally, the basic adapter can be mounted upwards or downwards.This allows for a natural ergonomics and a healthier sitting position.After installation, the adapters can be adjusted every 4°, allowing the footpeg to be positioned vertically downwards. The passenger even has the benefit of adjusting the peg upwards if there is enough space available. Depending on the setting, the passenger achieves a healthy and comfortable leg position. The complete kit for both sides is delivered with side compensation depending on the model. This variant is slightly more expensive but necessary, as, for example, the exhaust must be bridged.MV thus complements its existing program and simultaneously replaces the rigid and expensive adapters. As with all adjustable products, the footpeg adapter is also characterized by its "quick" adjustability. With just a few hand movements and an Allen key, the adapter can be adjusted, for example, from "high to low".Please note that lowering the footpeg also means less lean angle. The advantage of the adapters is that the original footpeg is retained. All items have been mounted and tested on original motorcycles - without any aftermarket modifications.

BMW K1200R Sport Lifting Lever Lift Aufbockhilfe Aufbockgriff K 1200 R Sport
Lift Lever for BMW K1200R SportThis makes lifting the bike a breeze.Simply unfold, lift, and fold back.Sits in the right place and is always within reach.Easy installation.(Example image) All items have been mounted and tested on original motorcycles - without any modifications.

BMW R1200GS LC lamp guard - black R 1200 GS LC from 2013
Our Hepco&Becker Lamp Guard protects the headlight in many cases and also gives your bike the proper off-road look. customized to the design of the motorcycle effective protection no reflections or danger from self-glare easy installation on most existing mounting points solid construction made from German steel robust and high-quality coating in Germany without ABE / TÜV. Vehicle-specific notes not suitable for models with LED headlights; compatible is 1009-700671.

BMW R1100GS Superbike Pipe Handlebar Adapter Handlebar Mount 50mm R850GS ABE
The Handlebar Adapter for BMW R850GS-R1100GSThe handlebar adapter in a new design - 50 mm extensionincluding ABEThe new handlebar adapter for all 22 mm handlebars improves your seating position by an optimal 50 mm. The handlebar comes 50 mm closer to the rider and about 25 mm higher.This achieves a natural ergonomics for a healthier sitting position.You will clearly feel this advantage. No more tense, outstretched arms. You simply sit comfortably on your motorcycle and no longer lean so far forward towards the tank, which is a significant advantage for men. The tingling and numbness in your hands are now a thing of the past.The base adapter is secured with M8 screws and has an elongated hole with a center distance of 31 mm - 39 mm.For all motorcycles with 22 mm handlebars, whose riders want to bring the handlebars even closer, we offer our 70 mm variant.The conversion is quick and easy to implement: Remove the existing handlebar clamps - (Please ensure that the containers for brake and clutch fluid do not tip over too much!) - and insert the lower part of the adapter. Now just place the handlebar in the new mounts and secure it with the included handlebar clamps. All necessary screws are included with the conversion.In general, it is sufficient for the BMW R850GS-R1100GS to route the cables and lines behind the fork bridge. If necessary, for some models, the lines may need to be replaced with longer ones. Just contact us.We also offer adapters for 25 mm and 28 mm handlebars; for 22 mm, the hole spacing is 31 - 39 mm, while for 25 mm or 28 mm handlebars, the hole spacing is 36 - 42 mm.They are available in silver anodized or black.Please select when ordering. All items have been mounted and tested on original motorcycles - without aftermarket modifications.

From €128.00*